Thursday, February 7, 2019
Aah-the memories Aunt Gloria... You, Uncle Murray and the gang coming to Mom's on Christmas morning; your yummy potato salad at our yearly "Firecracker Day" celebrations; you waiting in Mom's driveway before a Timmies run.(sometimes twice a day!) You never focused on the negative through all your losses. You loved your family beyond measure. I can still picture you on that huge horse on a Canada Day celebration in Woodslee. I think you were 83 then! Christmas was your favourite time of year and I am happy you had all your family there to celebrate. I heard you used to make dumplings and sauerkraut too- your Czech heritage coming through. I know you were proud of that. I have memories of you grabbing me to do the polka at a wedding and boy could you jitterbug! Your government rants could put Rick Mercer to shame! Obviously, I could go on and on. I would just like to add that I was so fortunate to have you as my Aunt. Love you: Sheila